Friday, January 22, 2016

Scratch Programming assignment #10


1. play the game with the arrow keys. What blocks make the monkey move.
A. "when ____ key pressed"

2. Does the banana always appear in the same place
A. No

3. what blocks do you think decide where the banana appears
A. "If ___, then ____"    "touching ____"     "pick random _ to _"     "If ___, then ___"       "data" "___ equals ____"       "*put number in*"       "move to _x_, _y_"

4. What are the name sof the orange under variables.
A. "points" "change points by ___" "set points to ___" etc. ... or data, depends on what exactly the question is askiing

5. what blocks are used to change the score?
A. "Change points by __"


1. he made it a variable
2. A "If touching *insert color here* then turn *180 + *random -50 - 50**" B. if on edge then bounce
3. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
4. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^  ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
5. to stop the game
6. creativity, less chid-ish, run a little more smoothly (i certainly did not complete that last task)

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