Thursday, January 28, 2016

Programming final

Brief description-My game is a game in which the objective is to click the key the cat tells u to before time runs out. I made this work using the "When ___ key pressed..." (I chose keys in chronological order in which they were in available in the drop down list) . From there, I used different keys to be different levels.
"space" = level 1 - click "N" to win
"up arrow" = level 2 - click "K" to win
"down arrow" = level 3- click "F" to win
"right arrow" = level 4- click "X" to win
"left arrow" = level 5 click "Y" to win
"a" = level 6 - click "M" to win
"b" = level 7 - click "Z" to win
"c" = level 8 - click "Q" to win
"d" = level 9 - click "U" to win
"e" = level 10 - click "J" to win
after that u win the game. I made this work by using the, as stated earlier, "When ___ key pressed...", but to go into further detail, when a key is pressed, it would start a timer, not the timer in the corner, but i used the "wait__ secs." I tried to make it so that when u clicked the key to win, it stopped all, so that u could still go to next level but everything would be stopped, timer included, but it didn't work how i thought it would, so i had to improvise. In addition to the cat instructing u through the game, I have 3 other sprites. A stopwatch placed to encourage u, but also provide irony. A strip of Caution tape, not only encouraging u, but also advising u to take heed, for the starting levels are easy, but they get harder. And finally, a computer, placed to discourage u by glorifying herself, or insulting u. Essentially, she represents your opponent.

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