Thursday, January 28, 2016

Programming final

Brief description-My game is a game in which the objective is to click the key the cat tells u to before time runs out. I made this work using the "When ___ key pressed..." (I chose keys in chronological order in which they were in available in the drop down list) . From there, I used different keys to be different levels.
"space" = level 1 - click "N" to win
"up arrow" = level 2 - click "K" to win
"down arrow" = level 3- click "F" to win
"right arrow" = level 4- click "X" to win
"left arrow" = level 5 click "Y" to win
"a" = level 6 - click "M" to win
"b" = level 7 - click "Z" to win
"c" = level 8 - click "Q" to win
"d" = level 9 - click "U" to win
"e" = level 10 - click "J" to win
after that u win the game. I made this work by using the, as stated earlier, "When ___ key pressed...", but to go into further detail, when a key is pressed, it would start a timer, not the timer in the corner, but i used the "wait__ secs." I tried to make it so that when u clicked the key to win, it stopped all, so that u could still go to next level but everything would be stopped, timer included, but it didn't work how i thought it would, so i had to improvise. In addition to the cat instructing u through the game, I have 3 other sprites. A stopwatch placed to encourage u, but also provide irony. A strip of Caution tape, not only encouraging u, but also advising u to take heed, for the starting levels are easy, but they get harder. And finally, a computer, placed to discourage u by glorifying herself, or insulting u. Essentially, she represents your opponent.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Scratch Programming assignment #10


1. play the game with the arrow keys. What blocks make the monkey move.
A. "when ____ key pressed"

2. Does the banana always appear in the same place
A. No

3. what blocks do you think decide where the banana appears
A. "If ___, then ____"    "touching ____"     "pick random _ to _"     "If ___, then ___"       "data" "___ equals ____"       "*put number in*"       "move to _x_, _y_"

4. What are the name sof the orange under variables.
A. "points" "change points by ___" "set points to ___" etc. ... or data, depends on what exactly the question is askiing

5. what blocks are used to change the score?
A. "Change points by __"


1. he made it a variable
2. A "If touching *insert color here* then turn *180 + *random -50 - 50**" B. if on edge then bounce
3. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
4. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^  ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
5. to stop the game
6. creativity, less chid-ish, run a little more smoothly (i certainly did not complete that last task)
Programming blogpost

when you click something, it sends a signal (binary) to the computer, and it reads the code, and from there it deciphers the code and follows the message.
1.when oi click the green flag, the dog teleports to the other side, the cat and monkey slide but the monkey goes a little faster
2.they all use when green flag clicked:, wait 1 sec, and go to X,Y.
3.Cat uses moves N blocks,
Variable: an element, feature, or factor that is liable to vary or change.

when i hear the word if, then it tells me that it can only happen when there is a condition that is met. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Blog Entry - programming assignment #8

1-What is the difference between "And" / "Or"
A- "And" is to select and mean multiple things. "Or" is one or another

2- what does random mean in English?
A- made done without method

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Scratch stuff -

1. What does it do so far?

The cat tells you that he is going to tell you about his summer, and that he spent some of it on a beach

2.What does the cat broadcast in his last block?

Basketball Scene

6. When you broadcast something, it's basically giving certain (or all) characters (including the backdrop) a que to do an action, whether it is changing a scene in the backdrop, or telling a character to change costumes, etc.

I know that we only have, like, a week left of the semester, but till, my old blog was WAY too crowded and unorganized and I'm WAY too lazy to organize it. Besides, smarter, not harder... right?